Cathedral Chapel is committed to offering our students a 21st Century education that includes 5G wireless Internet access and the best technology and educational resources available. Students have access to Brainpop, Moby Max, CatholicBrain, and Flocabulary 24/7. Each classroom has access to a bank of iPads for classroom use. Every classroom is equipped with a laptop, LCD projector, and a document camera. Cathedral Chapel has a state-of-the art computer lab equipped with Apple computers where students learn skills in formal classes weekly. Students in 4th through 8th are provided individual clickers so that everyone can interact in lessons, answer questions anonymously, and
teachers can adjust lessons immediately to inform their teaching in an effort to better serve their students.
Teachers are part of a professional learning community and participate in regular, ongoing professional development that enables them to stay current on technology resources and integrate technology into the classrooms. Every year the school holds a fundraiser specifically for technology, and funds are invested in educational software and hardware for the direct benefit of the students.