6th Grade


About Mr. Zepeda

Welcome! I am Mr. Zepeda
I am happy to be a part of Cathedral Chapel School and to teach Religion and Social Studies to your
Middle School is an important time for students. They continue to build leadership skills and use the
tools developed in the primary grades, to investigate, inquire, compare, critique, and interpret
concepts and ideas. Students are preparing for the journey into secondary education, so it is
important to develop good study habits during their middle school years.
This can be beneficial to students in high school and beyond. As the content gets harder, and
studying becomes unavoidable, students need to learn the study habits that will best suit their needs.
Middle school is the time in a child’s life that is important in developing an appreciation for learning
and valuing education in general.

Middle School Social Studies
After experiencing our Early American history in grade five, students in grade six go back in time to
review the ancient world. This includes the ways in which archaeologists and historians uncover the
past and study the history and geography of great civilizations that were developing concurrently
throughout the world.
Students in grade seven study the social, cultural, and technological changes that occurred in
Europe, Africa, and Asia in the years A.D. 500–1789. Continuing from the Roman Empire, students
study the history and geography of great civilizations that were developing concurrently throughout
the world during medieval and early modern times.
Students in grade eight return to American History to continue to study the ideas, issues, and
events from the founding of the Constitution to the mid-1800s. We will be reviewing the development
of America’s democratic institutions, particularly the shaping of the Republic. Students trace the
development of American politics, society, culture, and economy and relate them to the emergence of
major regional differences which later lead to conflict and the Civil War.

Middle School Religion
The middle school curriculum is aligned to grade-level content standards, designed by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in collaboration with the Department of Catholic Schools, and are based upon the Catechism of the Catholic church. They are intended for students to extend their understanding
beyond their faith journey going into young adulthood. It is important to recognize that our
Catholic faith is a lived faith. Therefore, the student’s experience of our faith is not limited by
the grade level in which content is introduced, but continues throughout their life.  
The curriculum is organized by four pillars, with an emphasis on Scripture. They are organized
throughout each grade level:

  • Profession of Faith (PF) 
    The study of Church Structure and History and our beliefs emphasized through the Creed
  • Celebration of the Christian Mystery (CCM) 
    The study of God’s grace through the Sacraments and our worship of God through the Liturgy 
  • Life in Christ (LC) 
    Study of Morality and the Commandments in living a Christian Life through Faith and Service.
  • Christian Prayer (CP) 
    The need for prayer to develop a healthy relationship with God.
    In cooperation with the parents as primary educators, Cathedral Chapel School is committed to
    fostering a faith community based on the Gospel message, Catholic beliefs, traditions and values.




Get in touch!

Send me an email directly and I’ll be in touch.

7 + 7 =


755 South Cochran Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90036
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Mon – Fri : 8:00am - 6:00pm
K - 4 Dismissal: 3:00pm
5 - 8 Dismissal: 3:10pm
Weds Dismissal : 12:30pm
Sat & Sun : Closed

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(323) 938 - 9976

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Cathedral Chapel School is accredited by the WCEA, the WASC, and supported by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.